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Grout fixes and caulk questions

Bathroom Repair Tutor – Revised 120922 Forums Tile Grout fixes and caulk questions

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    • #3212

      I grouted less than 24 hours ago and when I wiped off the film today, I noticed my imperfections.  I have a few pin holes, one spot that isn’t smooth, and some of the joints are not grouted close enough to the wall to be covered by the baseboard.  That being said, I guess I have to mix up a tiny batch and fill the gaps.  Can I also use wet grout over the dry grout to fix that part that isn’t smooth and also go over the pin holes?  I am not sure you can put wet grout on dry grout, but is isn’t cured completely and will not be sealed.  I am using Mapei Ultracolor FA.


      Caulking steps and question.  I will be installing wood baseboard, painting them ultra white, so do I install them, then caulk the floor/baseboard transition, the baseboard/wall transition and the floor/tub transition all with the same type?  I will use utltra white caulk, I am not matching to the grout color, I am matching to the tub and baseboards.  I am not sure what type of caulk is for those seams, can you tell me what to use and recommend any in particular?



    • #3213

      Hey Mellissa


      So sorry for the delayed response

      So with the FA. anything that needs filled in again try to scrape it down to where you at least have a 1/16″ to fill. If you can get down a little further that would be best…..but not necessary

      If your installing wood base, I would just get as tight to the floor as you can and nail in place. I would not caulk the base to the tile….that will be an area that will end up cracking and will probably look bad over time

      Any additional questions let me know. I have this thread on to notify me




      • #3214


        What kind of caulk for floor/tub transition and wood baseboard/wall transition?  The same thing?  What kind?

        OK, I will not caulk floor/baseboard transition, glad I asked, because I thought I was supposed to.

    • #3230

      So for the caulk joint at tub to floor you could use the mapei matching silicon caulk.  They should have the same color name that you used in grout.

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