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Drywall near the tub question.

Bathroom Repair Tutor – Revised 120922 Forums Drywall Drywall near the tub question.

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    • #3287

      I’m almost ready to install the drywall on the side walls of my bathroom. Check out both sides of the tub–the studs (I circled them) are not in alignment. When I ripped out the old drywall, the edge was not attached to anything on the right side.

      Question 1: Should I build out the right stud (toward the tub) to match the one on the left?

      Question 2: I’m installing subway tile…eventually. The purple drywall should extend within 3″ of the tub edge?

      Question 3: And the subway tile will extend about 3″ beyond the edge of the tub to meet the purple drywall?  Basically, that’s the same question as No. 2!


      Tub and studs next to end of tub.I’m almost ready to install the drywall on the side walls of my bathroom. Check out both sides of the tub–the studs are not in alignment. When I ripped out the old drywall, the edge was not attached to anything on the right side.
      Question 1: Should I build out the stud to match the one on the left?
      Question 2: I’m installing subway tile…eventually. The purple drywall should extend within 3″ of the tub edge? Question 3: And the subway tile will extend about 3″ beyond the edge of the tub to meet the purple drywall?

    • #3288

      Typically in attaching the drywall to the wall, some type of nailing surface is needed to attach the drywall and tile substrate. So add in framing members where needed.

      If you are putting in shower doors that attach to the walls, three studs next to each other, or one turned sideways, make for a wider area for the shower doors to attach (rather than just the 1-1/2″ edge of a stud).

      In Steve’s video in BRT, he shows the attached drywall and attaching the tile substrate at a tub.

      Go to Lesson 4 – “Bathtub Surrounds”

      then go to “KERDI BOARD”

      then go to “Three Wall Surround with Prefab Niche”

      Starting at about 16:30 in the video, he shows dimensions for wall substrate (in this case Kerdi-Board) meeting up to drywall. You can see the studs where he is working.

      Hope this helps! Good luck and let us know how it goes 🙂



    • #3304

      Makes perfect sense!  Thank you very much.

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